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Help shape our response to the government’s review of Arts Council England

Share your experiences by completing a short survey by 11 April.

Woman holding her hair in front of a microphone

Arts Council England (ACE) is one of England’s most significant public funders of new music. A 2022 survey of Ivors Classical Awards winners and nominees found that 82% had received support from ACE, highlighting its critical role in the careers of composers and music creators.

The government is currently conducting a wide-ranging review of ACE. This will explore how the organisation operates and whether it is fit for the future, including:

  • Whether ACE’s Royal Charter still provides a clear and appropriate mandate.
  • If its structure, powers and skills are suitable to deliver that mandate.
  • Whether the principle of delivering both excellence and access is embedded in its work.
  • Its role in the wider cultural ecosystem as a development agency.
  • How well regional knowledge and expertise are embedded in decision-making.
  • The efficiency and accountability of ACE’s operations.
  • Its leadership of the sector in embracing new technologies and innovation.

We’ve launched a short survey to make sure the voices of songwriters and composers are represented in this review. We want to hear from all music creators, whether or not you’ve applied for ACE funding.

Your input will help shape our submission and advocate for a strong and supportive future for music in the UK.

It takes around 15 minutes to complete and the deadline is 11 April.

Complete the survey


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