Be the most value-driven partner for composers and songwriters through advocacy, community, knowledge and celebration of their craft at the highest level.
Advocate for fair and equitable treatment
We are committed to ensuring that every composer and songwriter receives fair compensation for their work and is treated equitably. As the voice for songwriters and composers, we advocate for their rights, earnings and careers, lobbying government and the music industry to ensure fair recognition, protection and reward.
Equip members with knowledge and tools to shape their future
We provide members with essential skills and resources to make informed career choices. Whether facing opportunities or challenges, we empower members to confidently navigate the music industry. From self-publishing to sync deals and contract negotiations, our support ensures that members thrive both creatively and professionally, while securing fair pay for their work.
Recognise excellence
We honour the achievements and craft of composers and songwriters. As champions of their work, we raise their status as the originators of all value in the music industry. Through Ivors Academy Honours we celebrate outstanding individuals who support and empower composers and songwriters.