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The Ivors Academy AGM, 13 August 2020

The Ivors Academy Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Thursday 13 August. Due to current social distancing limitations, the AGM will take place virtually through the webinar online application Zoom.

The format of the meeting will include an introduction and reports from our Chair and CEO, the formal order of business, and provide an opportunity to ask questions relating to the business of the AGM. The order of the AGM will run as follows:

-Welcome (16:00)
-Chair Introduction
-Acceptance of 2019 AGM Minutes
-Chair Report
-CEO Report
-Acceptance of 2019 Accounts and Re-appointment of Prager Metis
-Questions *

To register your attendance please click here to book your place via Zoom

* If you are attending the AGM and would like to ask a question relating to the business of the AGM, you are required to register it in advance by emailing contact@ivorsacademy.com. Questions must be registered by 23:59 on Wednesday 12 August, the day before the meeting.

Full information can be found in the members’ area here.


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