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The Ivors Academy AGM

Book your place for our in person and online AGM on Monday 22 July. You must register to attend by 16:00 on Sunday 21 July.

In-person tickets are now SOLD OUT, tickets are still available to join us virtually via zoom. Please click on Virtual (Zoom) ticket on check out.

The Ivors Academy AGM 2024 will take place in person at 16:00 on Monday 22nd July at the Courthouse Hotel, London, and virtually via Zoom. It will include an introduction and reports from our Chair and CEO, the formal order of business including a vote on resolutions, and any questions you may have.  

To attend in person or online, book your place by 16:00 on Sunday 21st July.   

Order of business

  • In-person registration (from 15:30)
  • Welcome (16:00)
  • Chair’s Introduction
  • Acceptance of 2023 AGM Minutes and 2023 Accounts
  • Resolutions
  • Chair’s Report
  • CEO’s Report
  • Results on the votes on the resolutions
  • Questions 

Ask a question

If you are attending the AGM and would like to ask a question relating to the business of the meeting, you are required to register it in advance. Please email membership@ivorsacademy.com with your question by 16:00 on Sunday 21st July.

How to vote if you can’t attend

If you can’t attend the AGM you can appoint a proxy to exercise your rights by speaking and voting on your behalf at the meeting. Download and complete the proxy form from the members area. Alternatively, email membership@ivorsacademy.com or phone 020 7636 2929 to request a proxy form.  

Send the proxy form by email to membership@ivorsacademy.com or post to Tareic Alphonse, The Ivors Academy, 1 Upper James Street, London, W1F 9DE. 

Proxy forms must arrive online or by post 24 hours before the day before the meeting. Late or unsigned proxy notices, however delivered, cannot be accepted.

Full information

Full information about the meeting including an AGM pack, all documents and an explanatory note about the proposed changes can be found in the members area.


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