Nominee category: Orchestral

composed by Rebecca Saunders for piano and symphony orchestra 28mins for more information and to purchase the score visit Edition Peters

composed by Julian Anderson for cello and orchestra 23 mins commissioned by Radio France, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, Swedish Chamber Orchestra, and Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne for more information and to purchase the score visit Schott Music

composed by George Benjamin for orchestra 17 mins commissioned by Mahler Chamber Orchestra, supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation and the Karolina Blaberg Foundation, and BBC Radio 3 watch on YouTube for more information and to purchase the score visit Faber Music

composed by Brian Irvine for violin and orchestra 16 mins commissioned by RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra listen on SoundCloud

composed by Edmund Finnis for orchestra 17 mins commissioned by Royal Liverpool Philharmonic to purchase the score click here

Composed by Helen Grime for orchestra 22 minutes commissioned by The Barbican listen on Apple Music

Composed by Kenneth Hesketh for piano and orchestra 27 minutes commissioned by BBC Radio 3 and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

Composed by Gavin Higgins for solo trombone and orchestra 29 minutes commissioned by BBC Radio 3 listen on Soundcloud

Composed by Harrison Birtwistle for solo violin and orchestra 25 mins commissioned by Boston Symphony Orchestra

Composed by Rebecca Saunders for solo violin and orchestra 21 mins commissioned by Beethovenfest Bonn and BBC Radio 3 listen on Soundcloud

Composed by Julian Anderson Commissioned by London Philharmonic Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic

Composed by Huw Watkins

Composed by Julian Anderson

Composed by Simon Bainbridge

Composed by Colin Matthews

Composed by George Benjamin

Composed by Brian Elias

Composed by Jonathan Harvey

Composed by Mark-Anthony Turnage

Composed by Simon Holt