Event category: Ivors Composer Week
The Ivors Academy in partnership with the EFG London Jazz Festival, host a reception to celebrate Jazz composition and performance on the last day of the EFG London Jazz Festival. This event is the last in Ivors Composer Week, dedicated to shining the spotlight on the strength of contemporary classical, jazz and sound art composition […]
The David Ferguson Lecture explores the biggest issues facing composers, songwriters and music creators. This November the lecture will explore how digital technologies are taking classical music beyond traditional performance spaces to reach, collaborate, and engage with new and existing audiences. We’ll explore how technology, its use and impact on culture and behaviours, is shaping […]
Part of the inaugural Ivors Composer Week, on Wednesday 16th November we are hosting a ‘Meet the commissioners’ panel where we will bring together Sarah Gee from Spitalfields Music, Gill Graham from Wise Music Groups and Aaron Holloway-Nahum from Riot Ensemble to discuss commissioning in the classical world. The in-person panel will run from 6.30 […]