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Elections 2024

Professional members have the opportunity to stand for election to The Ivors Academy members’ Senate. The 40-strong members’ Senate plays a vital role ensuring that songwriters and composers are at the heart of The Ivors Academy. The Senate meets four times a year to consult on policy and shape the thinking that puts member views at the forefront of the Academy’s strategy and plans. Senators are also involved in various Committees and Councils to represent members’ interests, and can participate in events and networking opportunities. Up to 11 of the Senate will be elected to the Board. 

Members vote to decide who will be elected to the Senate. Once appointed, Senators can stand for election to the Board and the member Senate votes to decide who will be appointed to the Board. 

Put yourself forward to stand for election by 4pm on Friday 27th September

Please email membership@ivorsacademy.com if you have any questions. 

What is the Senate?  

The Senate provides vital insight and critical feedback which will influence thinking and help us to shape policy, campaigning and public affairs activity on key issues such as Artificial Intelligence, creator remuneration, improving works data and identifiers, unfair commissioning practices, the future of public funding for the arts and making the industry accessible to all. Senate members will also help improve communication and member involvement within the Academy. 

Members of the Senate will be able to establish their own Councils, which will be open to all members of The Ivors Academy to join depending on their interests.  

The Senate includes designated seats: two each for Classical, Jazz, Media and Songwriting genres. One seat for each of those four genres will be designated on the Board. Two seats on the Senate and one on the Board will also be designated for under-25 songwriters and composers. 

The remaining seats are open to all, with a commitment to championing and increasing equality, representation and inclusion.  

What does a Senator do?  

As a Senator, you will: 

  • Be at the heart of an organisation which aims to be the most value driven partner to authors, composers and songwriters. 
  • Be part of a vibrant consultation space that connects with our Councils and membership. 
  • Meet four times a year to put member views at the centre of the Academy’s strategy and plans, consult with the Board on strategic aims, receive Board reports and be able to request the Board puts questions or topics on its agenda. 
  • Be an effective advocate for The Ivors Academy growing our influence with the music industry, public, government and key decision makers. You will be a powerful voice promoting the Academy and reasons to become a member, friend or supporter.  
  • Connect with songwriters and composers across genres, grow your career and support campaigns that advocate for our community’s rights. 
  • Be able to get involved in establishing Councils that represent our members’ interests. 
  • Have the opportunity to stand for election to the Board.   

How do I stand for election to become a Senator?   

UK Engage is hosting the elections site, where you can nominate yourself to stand for election.  

Members will receive an email on Tuesday 27th August with a link to the elections site.  

To stand for election, provide your contact details, a photo, your social media handles, the genre/s you represent, a short bio, and a manifesto up to 250 words explaining why you think you should be elected.  

Nominations close at 4pm on Friday 27th September. You must be a Professional member to stand for election to the Senate.  

Voting takes place from 10th October to 30th October. 

Find out more  

Join us for a virtual session to learn more about becoming a Senator, what’s involved and what you can expect. Register for one of the following sessions: 

Monday 16th September at 2pm 

Friday 20th September at 11am  

Elections 2024 timeline

Tuesday 27th August     Senate nominations open
Monday 16th September, 2pm Be an Ivors Academy Senator session (Zoom)
Friday 20th September, 11am Be an Ivors Academy Senator session (Zoom)
Monday 27th September Nominations close
Thursday 10th October Online voting opens
Wednesday 30th October Online voting closes
Monday 4th November Senate election results announced
Monday 11th November First Senate meeting and Board nominations open
Friday 15th November Board nominations close
Monday 18th November Senate voting to elect Board opens
Monday 25th November Senate voting to elect Board closes
Tuesday 26th November   Board election results announced
Monday 9th December New and outgoing Board meet
January (TBC) Board Director and Senator induction day


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